Self Help Book Summaries

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These book summaries on self help identify a few books about improving your inner game. They discuss your mental attitude, positive images and how you think. While they are based on money, the ideas can be used for any problem area.

T. Harv Eker, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

In this best seller, Harv Eker talks about the inner game. He describes that losses in your portfolio are results due in a large part to your inner thoughts. He discusses the different ways of thinking between poor, middle class and rich people. If you want to improve your inner game, this is a great read.

If you move from trading system to trading system and never seem to find one that works, perhaps the problem is not the trading system but the trader. While this straight forward type of talk is quite difficult to swallow, you owe it to your self to identify the route of the problem. This book could start you on your way to becoming a better trader.

Robert T. Kiyosaki, Retire Young Retire Rich

In this book, the fifth in the Rich Dad series, Robert Kiyosaki talks about a person's context (how many areas we know) instead of a person's content (how much of each area we know). He discusses leveraging your mind to improve yourself. This is a interesting book which is a bit different than other Kiyosaki books and offers ways to expand your reality.

Improving your inner game is all about you wanting to improve your stock trading. One of the areas that generally need the most work is discipline. To learn more about why discipline is an important area that requires self help follow this link.

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