Investors Business Daily - Find Stocks Going Up

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Stick with the winners and become one yourself

Investors business daily provides stock traders and investors a way to get inside the market and see which companies are showing major moves. Many people will use their home page as a way to identify the stocks which are moving and showing a lot of interest as determined by their current trading volume and price changes. You can learn about the stock market by reading Investor's Business Daily® as in many issues they have tutorials on various aspects of how to pick winning stocks.

The basis of Investors Business Daily is outlined in many of the books written by the companies founder William J. O'Neil. In a nut shell, the paper and online edition concentrate on good stocks in good sectors with more attention being spent on stocks which are showing current momentum.

To get a better understanding of the philosophies of the founder, a book review of The Successful Investor - What 80 Million People Need to Know to Invest Profitably and Avoid Big Losses by William J. O'Neil can be read on our book summaries page. At one time in my education, I had a two year subscription to the online edition of Investor's Business Daily (IBD®). Prior to this subscription, the print edition was not available in my area and I had to be happy with reading the odd issue during business trips or vacation to areas which had IBD available at the airport. Now with the online edition available anyone, anywhere can read this online newspaper.

One of the sections which I liked when I read the Investors Business Daily was the Investor's Corner which is a small section of the paper used to educate the stock trader in how to trade properly. There is so much information here that you are sure to find a favorite section. With the online version you can search out past ideas and discussions which means you can go back and read specific articles that are relevant to you now.

Take a Look at the Kindle Edition

Amazon offers a monthly subscription to Investor's Business Daily.

So what does Investors Business Daily offer its subscribers?

Well, here is a rundown of the main parts of the site which I think you will find interesting. On the left hand side of the home page right at the top you will find Today in IBD. Clicking on this link will bring you to the index of the current edition of the paper. From here you can quickly go to the sections of the web pages you want. Some of my favorites:

The Big Picture - Simply put this is a brief update on the last trading day which includes a current market outlook and a way to play the market at this time.

The Real Most Active - Provides a brief analysis of the days market action highlighting a few of the major movers that day.

The New America - Gives a detailed description of a potential up and coming company which offers unique products and services. A good place to find stocks to add to a watch list. You can watch a short video edition of The New America by going to the Media Center located on the home page.

Investor's Corner - Expand your trading skills and obtain stock market information with this educational product which generally walks the reader through a trade.

IBD's Top 10 - Gives ten of the top business news stories.

So those are the sections which I like. But as you are likely aware all investors and stock traders are different and we all have a slightly different approach to the market. The only way you will have a better understanding of what Investor's Business Daily has to offer you is to check it out and one way to do this is to have a look at the Kindle version of Investor's Business Daily.

Back on the home page you can follow the IBD method of evaluating stocks with the Daily Stock Analysis which reviews a stock chart.

If you are wondering how to research stock investments, the Screen of the day provides the reader with a different screen featuring the IBD rating system. You can save these stock symbols to a watch list and keep an eye on them. This is a good way to use Investors Business Daily to identify how to invest in stocks using stockcharts and fundamental data. While IBD does offer a custom screen wizard, this is part of their premium tools and comes at an added cost.

Watch lists are for watching

A quick way to build a watch list within Investors Business Daily is to transfer the stock symbols provided to you through their screen of the day. Over a period of about 2 weeks they will profile a number of ways to identify great stocks and this information along with the stocks in the IBD 100 makes for a great watch list.

Stocks on the move provides a list of stocks moving up or down on unusual volume. In many cases large volume is coming in for a reason - something is going on and the volume indicates many people either want to get on board or get off. This is a good place to find stocks to put in your watch list. Many stocks which show a surge in volume are just beginning their run. As a trader you need to be aware of these stocks.

CAN SLIM® Select provides a current list of up to 100 strong stocks. You can download this list and add it to your watchlist if you would like.

If you want to quickly identify how a particular stock is doing just enter the ticker symbol and get a stock checkup. This report, which follows the CAN SLIM guidelines, will quickly tell you the sector the stock is in, the strength of the sector, the rank of the stock within the sector, the technical, fundamental and attractiveness rank. It will also give you the earnings per share rating, the relative price of the stock compared to the major index, how the sales and profits are doing as well as if the stock is being accumulated or not. All this information can very quickly help you decide if this stock is worth putting in a watch list.

Under the section How to Invest you will find a financial dictionary, the Learning Center which gives you countless lessons on applying the CANSLIM approach to trading stocks.

About this time, you may have noticed the acronym CAN SLIM or CANSLIM mentioned a number of times. Investors Business Daily came up with the CAN SLIM acronym which stands for:

Current earnings
Annual earnings
New product
Supply and demand
Institutional sponsorship
Market index

This is more fully described under What is CAN SLIM. This is the main stock market investment strategy featured within the Investors Business Daily. You will not find a list of penny stocks at IBD, it is simply not their style.

On the home page you will find the Media Center which features a number of short video educational products. Hear how one of their specialists reviews a stock on the Daily Stock Analysis or listen to a short commentary on one of the potential up and coming stocks in The New America.

Under the service section on the home page you can find a number of valuable resources. If you are looking for daily updates on the market delivered to your cell phone, check out Mobile. Another interesting service is the Rates and Calculations section. Here you can find the latest information on banking, interest rates, mortgages, bonds and real estate.

There is a lot more to Investors Business Daily but you will have to take a look for yourself.

In a nut shell this is a great paper and online resource for the stock trader or investor who is trying to understand a bit more about the stock market. So what are you waiting for move forward now with the Kindle version of Investor's Business Daily.

® Investor's Business Daily, IBD and CAN SLIM are registered trademarks of Data Analysis Inc.

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