Privacy Policy

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This Privacy Policy was last amended on May 26, 2018.


KNISPO Solutions Inc. ("KNISPO") considers issues relating to your privacy to be a serious matter. At the same time, KNISPO needs to collect, store, use and disclose personal information to enable it to operate its business in support of its product and service offerings.

KNISPO has created and implemented this Privacy Policy so that you understand what KNISPO may and may not do with your personal information. KNISPO encourages you to review this Privacy Policy.

By providing personal information to us and by dealing with us with knowledge of this Privacy Policy, we will assume that you have consented to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the terms set out in this Privacy Policy unless you advise us otherwise.

Personal Information

Personally, identifiable information is information about you that can be attributed to you. In this Privacy Policy, personally identifiable information about you will be referred to as "personal information". KNISPO will only deal with your personal information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.


Generally, when we collect, use or disclose your personal information we will obtain your consent. Most of the time, we will obtain your consent before or at the same time we collect your personal information. In some instances, however, we may seek your consent after we have collected your personal information if we wish to make an additional use or disclosure of your personal information where we do not have your consent for the particular use or disclosure.

Depending on the circumstances, your consent may be express or implied. Express consent would arise if you specifically consented to a particular dealing in your personal information. Express consent can be given orally, electronically or in writing. Implied consent can be inferred from the circumstances. For example, we will assume that we can deliver products to the address you provide unless you inform us otherwise. In this example, your address may be personal information.

Once you have registered to receive our automated material, you may opt-out at any time by following the opt-out information contained within the email message you are receiving from us.

KNISPO may, from time to time, provide you with an opportunity to opt-out of certain uses and disclosures of your personal information. At the same time, an implied consent to use or disclose your personal information would arise if you fail to indicate that you wish to opt-out of the particular use or disclosure when you are given an opportunity to do so.

In addition, certain uses and disclosures that we wish to make of your personal information are set out in this Privacy Policy. Be sure to review this Privacy Policy since by providing your personal information to us you will be thereby consenting to the collection, use and disclosure of that personal information in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

You may change or withdraw your consent at any time on reasonable notice, subject to pre-existing legal and contractual obligations. However, if you withdraw certain consents, it may limit the services we are able to provide to you. For more information, please contact us using the contact information set out below.

Collection of Information

When we collect personal information directly from you we will inform you of the uses and disclosures that we may make of the personal information if those uses and disclosures are not readily apparent at the time we collect the personal information or if those uses and disclosures are not set out in this Privacy Policy. For example, we may not explicitly tell you that we will use your address to deliver a product to you if that would be reasonably assumed at the time you provide your address to us. As another example, we would specifically inform you and obtain your prior consent if we wish to sell your name and address to a third party so that they can send you their marketing material. This is just an example -- at this time we have no intention of doing so.

In some instances, we may collect your personal information directly from a third party. In that case, we will either obtain your consent to do so or we will require that the third party confirm to us that they are entitled to disclose your personal information to us, through your consent or otherwise.

KNISPO may engage service providers. (An example would be an Internet service provider, PayPal, iContact or Amazon). When you obtain one of our products from these service providers, they may send KNISPO some of your personal information which will inform us on your purchase. Our Privacy Policy does not cover the privacy practices of these service providers. As we have no control over the Privacy Policies of these service providers, we accept no responsibility or liability for their policies, website, or the links on their site. Please read and review their Privacy Policy before you engage with these service providers when you are concerned.

When we collect personal information, we will collect the least amount of information in order to get the product, you have asked for, to you. This is typically a first name, an email address, an IP address and a phone number when you request coaching.

We obtain your information when you request our products, sent us an email message, sign up for our weekly stock trading course or sign up an ebook.

Affiliate Links

Within this website there are links to other pages within the website and links which will take you to a 3rd party website. As an example, some of the links on this site will take you to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Use of Information

Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, we will obtain your explicit or implied consent to use your personal information in a particular manner. Set out below are certain circumstances where we may use your personal information without obtaining your further consent. By providing your personal information to us, we are assuming that you are consenting to these uses unless you inform us otherwise. These are:

(a) using identification information and contact information, such as your name, address, telephone number and email address so that we can identify you and deliver the products and services that you request and to communicate with you regarding those products and services;

(b) using payment method preferences and related financial information that you provide to us so that we can obtain payment for the products and services that you request. However, we will obtain your prior explicit consent to the collection and use of credit or other financial information in order to assess your credit risk or to obtain your credit rating;

(c) using information relating to your preferences so that we are able to deliver our products and services to you in accordance with those preferences;

(d) using customer relationship information such as your service requests, comments and feed back to assist us in delivering products and services in accordance with your wishes;

(e) using personal information for the purpose for which it was provided and certain other activities that are reasonably ancillary to that purpose. For example, if you send us an email with a question or comment, KNISPO will use your email address to respond to you. Further, KNISPO may store your email and email address and a copy of our response for future reference;

(f) using your postal and/or email address to provide to you information about KNISPO’s products and services and other items (including the products and services of third parties) that KNISPO believes that you may be interested in notwithstanding that your address may have been provided for a different purpose; and

Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, KNISPO will not use your personal information for any other purpose.

Disclosure of Information

Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, we will obtain your explicit or implied consent prior to disclosing your personal information to a third party. Set out below are certain circumstances where we may disclose your personal information without obtaining your further consent. By providing your personal information to us, we are assuming that you are consenting to these disclosures unless you inform us otherwise. These are:

(a) In the event KNISPO transfers or is considering transferring control of any or all of its operations or services to another organization, KNISPO reserves the right to transfer or disclose your personal information to that organization. However, KNISPO will require that the organization agree that it will be similarly bound by the provisions of this Privacy Policy and that it will only use and disclose your personal information as KNISPO is similarly entitled under this Privacy Policy.

(b) In the event KNISPO amalgamates with another organisation, KNISPO reserves the right to permit that amalgamated organisation to continue to use and disclose your personal information. However, KNISPO will require that the amalgamated organisation agree that it will be similarly bound by the provisions of this Privacy Policy and that it will only use and disclose your personal information as KNISPO is similarly entitled under this Privacy Policy.

(c) KNISPO may engage certain product and service providers. Service providers may provide products and services to KNISPO to assist KNISPO in its activities. Other service providers may provide products and services directly to you at the request of KNISPO. As such, it may be necessary for KNISPO to disclose your personal information to these service providers. However, KNISPO will take steps to ensure that these service providers will only use and disclose your personal information as necessary to provide the products and services and that they will adhere to the terms of this Privacy Policy or their own similar privacy policy.

(d) KNISPO may work with other organizations towards some common purpose consistent with the objectives of KNISPO. In that case, it may be necessary for KNISPO to disclose your personal information to these organizations. However, KNISPO will require that these organizations agree that they will only use and disclose your personal information as necessary for the common purpose and that they will adhere to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, KNISPO will not sell, rent, loan, trade, lease, transfer or otherwise disclose your personal information, including email addresses, to any third party.


In order to use some of the features of KNISPO’s website, KNISPO may require that you provide some personal information. KNISPO may issue to you a unique "user id" which you will be required to provide each time you use certain features and services.

If you have a user id, then KNISPO may collect information about your use of the features and services (whether or not you provide your user id each time) and KNISPO may associate information with your other personal information. If a visitor to our website does not have a user id but does permit "cookies", then KNISPO only has the means to track use of its website by that visitor but KNISPO has no means to determine who that visitor is unless the visitor provides their identity. (See the documentation provided with your Internet browser for more information on cookies and web beacons and how to disable them.)

KNISPO may place cookies or web beacons on your computer. As well, certain third parties may place cookies or web beacons on your computer, such as those that place advertising on our website or link providers. KNISPO only has control over the cookies it places on your computer.

Regardless of the information that KNISPO collects, KNISPO will only use and disclose that information for the limited purposes set out in this Privacy Policy.

KNISPO has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of the personal information under KNISPO’s control. However, KNISPO cannot guarantee that these security measures will not be breached.

Other Collection, Use and Disclosure

KNISPO may monitor your use of the services and any material transmitted or received over the services and may collect, analyze, use and disclose any other information as needed to satisfy any legal obligation and to ensure the proper operation of the services, to ensure you are complying with these terms of use and to protect KNISPO and its other customers.

As well, we may collect, use and disclose your personal information without your knowledge or consent when that personal information is relevant to an actual or potential legal proceeding or when we are required or permitted to do so by court order, applicable law or regulatory requirements.

As well, privacy legislation may permit or require the collection, use and disclose your personal information without your knowledge or consent in some specific and limited circumstances. We reserve the right to collect, use and disclose your personal information in these limited circumstances.

From time to time you may participate in a survey sent to you as part of one of our programs. The results of this survey, which will not include any of your personal information, may be published in some type of media format, which may include a book, ebook, DVD, audio program or any other means of communication.

You may send us a testimonial for one of our products. When we decide to use this testimonial on our website we will get your consent and ensure you are comfortable with the information we plan to publish on our website prior to publishing it. If at any time you would like your testimonial removed from our website, please contact us and we will remove it.

Your Access to Your Information

Subject to certain restrictions that are available at law, you are entitled to see what personal information we have on you. We are entitled to charge a reasonable fee to gather and deliver that information to you. As well, at your request, KNISPO will update your personal information if it is incorrect.

Retention of Information

KNISPO will only keep your personal information for a period of time that is consistent with: (1) the purpose for which the personal information was collected, (2) the terms of this Privacy Policy, and (3) any legal or accounting requirements or obligations.

Changes to the KNISPO Privacy Policy

KNISPO reserves the right to modify or amend this Privacy Policy at any time and for any reason. KNISPO reserves the right to update this privacy policy from time to time without notification. Please check back from time to time to see whether this Privacy Policy has changed. The first sentence of this Privacy Policy indicates when the Privacy Policy was last changed.


Our site is designed for people over the age of 18. When you identify that your child has given us personal information please inform us and we will remove their email from our system.


Nothing contained in this Privacy Policy is intended to create a contract or agreement between KNISPO and you and you may not rely on it as such.

We may require that all communications relating to a withdrawal or variation of consent or a request to review or update personal information be made in writing, signed and delivered to us at an address that we may provide.


If you have any questions or complaints about this Privacy Policy or how we use your personal data, please use our contact us page to send us an email.

Terms of Use and Website Agreement

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