Simple, at home money making ideas

Bored, a little short of cash, looking for something to do get involved then check out these ideas for making money

These money making ideas may appeal to you as they are relatively simple and can be done from home. There are times when you are looking for some extra cash and are not quite sure what to do. While trading stocks can be a lot simpler, less time consuming and potentially offer a higher financial reward, these ideas for making money may appeal to a number of people.

Stock trading requires money in order to get started. When you are interested in funding an account and are a bit short of cas selling books online might be one way you can earn the cash needed.

The first money making idea I explored was to sell used books on Amazon. This can be a relatively easy thing for most people to do and you can do it from your home. I was interested in this money making idea, not for myself, but for my son. I believe this is the type of job which has a hourly cap in the 20 to 30 dollars an hour range. While this would be a great pay rate for my son, it is a bit low for me.

This is the type of job you can do after retirement, have your kids do, set up as a part time business or just to add a second source of income to your life. You can learn how to sell used books by doing an online search.

One of the first quesitons I had when I looked into this was how do people make money selling books for $0.01 on Amazon. The simple answer is that they do a volume business and make money on shipping. In Canada, Amazon charges customers a fixed shipping fee which is less that the cost of shipping a book which weighs less than 500 g (1.1 pounds) and more than the cost of selling a book weighing more than 500 g. The first can be shipped as a letter while the second appears to be shipped as a parcel.

While some people may be interested in this model, I prefer to find a niche in which you can make a profit both from the books and from the shipping. You will also need to find a source of inexpensive, new or used books. These can be found at recycle depots, garage sales, libraries, charities, your closset, book stores and any other place you can think of that will supply you with books for less than the Amazon selling price.

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