The type of stock trader you are will determine the time frame you trade, when you will buy and sell as well as influencing which stocks you will buy. Once you become familiar with trading, most people can carry positions as either a day, swing or position trader. Some may also find situations in which it pays to be an investor.
Let us divide the trading world into four different types of traders and give them the following definitions:
The next level is an investor. Investors are not traders but some people who are traders may think they are investors.
One of the qualities required for all of the above types of traders is discipline. It does not matter what type of stock trader you are, all stock traders require discipline. Without will-power, your trading journey could be a rough one.
Monte Carlo Simulator
for Traders
Having troubles sticking with your trading system?
Do you move from system to system looking for the one system that will bring you riches?
Perhaps you already have it and tossed it aside when it went into a down period.
Using this Excel based program will show you what you can expect out of your trading system once you know the % wins and profit factor.
Stop wasting your time searching for the perfect system (which does not exist) and start trading.